CONCEPT | コンセプト




”¡Qué Rico!”ケリコ!なんてまあ美味しいのでしょう。


¡Eso! これだ!


私の大好きなアクセサリーは単なるデコレーション 飾りではございません。


A tiとは、スペイン語であなたに/あなたへ/あなたを を意味します。

Gracias a ti あなたの御蔭様で
A ti te amo あなたのことを想う
A ti te quiero mucho あなたのことが大好き!
A ti te doy todo lo que pueda ,
A ti te ayudare siempre que pueda

To put all my love into…
To create truly and whole heartedly…

One summer day during my stay in Mexico, something suddenly fell down upon me.
This was the very first step and marks the birth of Ati.
Although I am a great taster of “International Cuisine,” there are some foods unpalatable
which make me think, “It is just one of those things” since I am genuinely Japanese. One is called “Mole” and it is a type of traditional Mexican food. Although I was ready for “Mole” while I was in Mexico, it never really sat comfortably on my tongue. When I encountered “Mole” with only the first bite, I shouted out in spite of myself,

“¡Qué Rico! How delicious it is!”

“I can share my secret recipe with you,” she said with a proud look.
“That is to cook lovingly half expecting to see someone’s smile!” Believe it or not, I called the lady who gave me the secret recipe, “Mexican Mom.”

“¡ESO!” - This is it! -

I didn’t know how to express my thrilling moment.
It just inspired me so deeply, I didn’t even feel the need for words.Since then I realized that particular touching moment related back to every other meaningful memories that were created in my life.

Literally this was the beginning of Ati.

Wishing not to be regarded simply as “decoration,” all of my accessories are inspired by truth, beauty, warmth, and the souls that surround us.

I have always had a strong desire to share these special moments through my work.

I would love to send my passion and gratitude, while thinking of each one of you.
“A ti” means “to you/for you” in the Spanish language. You are always the leading player to me. With genuine pleasure, I would like to dedicate my work to you and hope you will experience a thrilling moment.

Gracias a ti Thanks to you
A ti te amo I love you
A ti te quiero mucho I like you much
A ti te ayudare siempre que pueda I will help you whenever I can
A ti te doy todo lo que pueda I give you all I can

Why Mexican?

Mexicoにはとにかくカラフルなもので溢れており、それが人々の生活に明るさを加え、笑顔をもたらし、彼らの心をより豊かにしている最大の理由に違いないと思い、その色鮮やかなMexican Colorを是非atiのテーマにすることで皆様にお伝えし、世界中のより多くの方達と共有したいと考えました。「人生をもっとカラフルに」という言葉には人生にもっと明るさを、人生にもっと笑顔を、人生にもっと豊かさ(心の)をという思いも込められています。
atiはメキシコの街中溢れる鮮やかな「Mexican color」からポジティヴなエネルギーを受け、Mexicoの人々との感動を体験し、要するにMexicoという国そのものから常にインスパイアーされております。

・Ati is inspired by the wonderful people of Mexico, the positive energy filled in its towns, the colorful Mexican colors, and also their culture and the country itself. They offer a rich storehouse of great inspiration. It brings much brightness and color to people and their lives. It can also encourage smiles and enrich many hearts. These facts must bring significant benefits to people and their culture. I would love to put all our love and spiritual richness that I experienced in Mexico into our accessories. The power of accessorizing is amazing! It can be such a simple yet profound statement of commitment, culture, beauty, confidence, love, and faith. Finally this all comes to the theme for Ati….“Why don’t we add more color to our lives?” I would love to share this thrilling experience with you through our accessories. It’s a great honor to get to know you all through Ati!
Now what we offer in the form of art and culture is available to you all here…at Ati.



  • ― 商品詳細欄記載の寸法や色等の詳細情報より多少の相異がみられる事が御座います。
  • ― 商品一覧に掲載しております写真と実際の色合いに多少相異がみられる事が御座います。
  • ― 在庫数は少数であるものが殆どであり、一点ものも少なくありません。
  • ― 在庫がない場合でも材料が揃う場合にはお客様よりご注文を受けてから製作させて頂くこともあり、その際はお時間を少々頂くことが御座います。
  • ― ご丁寧にお使い頂く事と、正しい保管方法(ケースに入れて衝撃を直接受けない場所に保管、変色・色移りを防ぐために直射日光や湿気を避ける場所に保管)をお守り下さい。
  • ― 補修、修理は同等の材料で代用させて頂く場合も御座いますが購入時の状態を復元出来る様最善を尽くします。
  • ・We attempt to represent all of our products as accurately as possible. Most of our products are handmade and typically made with natural products. We hand select every component carefully. Due to the handmade nature of each individual product, color variations, shape, size, color and/or slight to moderate deficiencies are possible.
  • ・Slight variation in color may occur as screen colors are determined by your monitor display.
  • ・We will make every attempt to deliver all available products immediately as long as they are in stock. However there are limited numbers of some products.
  • ・Please contact us if your desired products are out of stock and you would like to know the availability information of your desired products.
  • ・Please allow us to take certain days for special customized orders.
  • ・Please note that all products are handmade and extremely delicate so please handle them with care, especially the products made with natural materials.
  • ・Due to the nature of our products from Mexico, we may not be able to repair older items. We may charge for repair as the case may be due to purchase date or reason of the damage. Please allow us to use substitute materials when the components are out of stock for repair.